Friday, July 18, 2014

Spring Newborn Session!

I thought I was excited to capture the beauty in my 'siblings' maternity session but I could never prepare myself for the feeling that it would be to take pictures of their brand new baby girl, Lacey June.
I've never done anything like this before. I tried to prepare myself for this moment by reading all about newborn photography and to try and get as many tips and tricks that I could BUT not everything always works as planned or as you would hope.
Nikki was an excellent assistant and was patient with me and her baby girl as Lacey did NOT want to sleep while we were doing these pictures. After much comforting, feeding and persistence, we were able to get her to calm down. Even daddy Kevin helped us and he did help us quite a bit when it came to the saddle pictures. This experience is something I can't really describe. I loved it and it tired me out completely but I hope it was all worth it when people see these images of this absolutely beautiful little girl. Major props to my fellow photographers and my photographer friends who take pictures of newborns on a regular basis, it certainly is exhausting!

So here she is, Miss Lacey June.

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