Monday, February 17, 2014

Cattle work, snow and focus issues

Lately I've been harping on my photography skills, I look at professionals and I'm in awe over how crisp, focused and amazing they look. Than I look at mine and go, this is crap! Well on Saturday, we went to work cattle, which isn't what I wanted to do that day, so I took my camera in hopes to gain some cool cattle photos only to be walking around during a temporary snow storm which made it really hard to focus on my subjects. Everything looked fuzzy and dust covered but its all snow! I think some of them turned out kind of neat :)

I have this issue with fogged up sunglasses....

It seems like every time I go outside to take pictures, my sunglasses fog up. I try to rely on what I can see only to be disappointed later on with my aperture not being set properly and things either being too dark or blown out. I've tried to edit a few with this issue but I've been getting some really weird tones that people will either really like or not like at all... let me know what you think!


I've been working on some pictures from back in the summer. I've been trying out different presets and what not just to get a feel for them so some of the pictures were definitely something that I was just playing around with. I know that all the pros say never post or show pictures that you don't feel are your best but since this is my blog, I'll post a couple pictures that I did just out of fun!