Thursday, January 16, 2014

Winter Sessions!!!

Here are some more winter photos that I've been able to capture in the nicer days this year!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

First day in WEEKS that I've been able to play!!!

Here in Manitoba, we have been dealing with some of the worst temperature weather around. We were even colder than the surface of Mars and the North Pole!!
I haven't wanted to subject my camera to such extreme temperatures if it wasn't necessary but yesterday was a really nice day so I went and played with my new 50mm f1.8 lens!
Here are some of the pictures!!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The winter thus far...

Hey everyone!

I have not neglected my page. I have a few pictures to post here once I get a chance! This winter has been tough and I have not really wanted to venture outside and subject my camera to this cold! I will post an update soon!

Thank you!