Sunday, November 17, 2013

Random Craftiness

I have been obsessed with wreaths lately. I've really been wanting to make some but I didn't know where I wanted to start. Believe it or not I did NOT learn this from Pinterest! Rather, I was googling and browsing through pictures. I came across one picture and went to the website and it was a how to website. So I bought some ornaments and this is what I've produced. My next one will be blue, silver and white. Which I'm VERY excited to make!!! My mom is trying to get me to sell them so if the people I made them for don't want to buy them, they will be for sale. They're around $40.00 to make and that's what I'm selling them for (if people buy them) The pink (or shall I say berry) is a very IN colour for this year, I didn't know that when I bought the colours but I found out afterwards and I have to say, I really like the pink wreath. It was also the first one and never had any adjustments made to it. The green gold and brown one though, that was my third and yikes! I think I tore that thing apart at least 4 times. The red and gold one, I broke an ornament the second one I put on. Oops! At least I had more than what I needed otherwise I may have cried!!



Sunday, November 10, 2013

Family Session ~ The *D* Family, Nov 2nd, 2013

It was my great pleasure to take pictures of these wonderful little girls for my dear friends. I'm only able to show so many pictures, so here are some odds and ends for you!!